Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Utilities got you down in the cashflow department?

The easiest way to save money on a regular basis is to remember to run your house as if you were a "micro-managing mother". Turn off lights when you're not in a room, don't just run the water when taking a shower or washing dishes. If your mom would wag her finger at it don't do it!

 Can you hear her voice in your head? Turn that off... close that... pick that up.... go outside...

All these "nags" that we have heard all our lives are actually excellent money saving tips.

Turning off lights when you leave a room can save you big money. Open up a window and get fresh air in your house as well as let natural light in (as well as some vitamin D). It's easy and on bright sunny days you can cool off your house without turning on the air conditioner and lower your bills at the same time. Hot days are coming don't let your bills sky rocket when you could be just as comfortable using mother natures cool windy breath. This can save serious cash and can rapidly lower your high utility bills just by using these ideas a few days a week. try it 6 times this month and see if you notice a change on your next utility bill.

If it's too hot to have the house open then make sure that the light bulbs you use are energy efficient. You will change them less often and lower your bill as they utilize far less electricity to provide the same amount of light to the room you are attempting to illuminate. Check with your local electric company about a free energy saver kit- most include useful items such as: CFL bulbs, and a high-performance shower head, etc

As the temperatures rise in the up coming months it's going to be all too easy to turn on the A/C and in turn increase your electric bill. Try installing a programmable thermostat. This allows for temperature regulation and gives you the ability to not come home to a sweltering house nor would you walk into a freezer box either. If you aren't home yet you need to make sure the house is kept at a fair temperature (especially if you have indoor animals) this is a great way to regulate temperature without wasting money. Installing a programmable thermostat will easily decrease your energy bill by 10-20%.

Another useful item that should be used not just during the holidays is to use a surge protector on your devices that require a plug in. This is great for your entertainment center and can be especially useful for kitchen appliances as well.

Want a great way to look at the savings you will achieve as well as the global impact you have on others? Try this site

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