Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ask for help from friends

We all have dreams and we all need support in achieving them. Speaking with your loved ones about your goals is a great way to meet your goals and to stick to the changes you are trying to make. Permanently altering how you act and react to a situation is how progress is made and how stability can finally become a part of your life. 

The best way to form a new habit or reach your goals is to make sure that you have support and assistance when and where you need it. It is far more difficult to do things on your own. leaning on friends and family members for support and guidance often proves fruitful and can put you back on track when you might have otherwise given up entirely. 

We all have a friend or family member that has worked in some sort of hospitality industry. These industries often allow people to glean insights that aren't common knowledge. for example- I have worked for credit card companies and I know how to help with credit and budget in order to maintain your household finances due to information that I have gained while working for major credit card companies.  

Keeping a cheering section in your back pocket, figuratively speaking of course, is a great way to remember what or who you are making these changes for and why they are so important.

Saving money isn't about just putting money in the bank it's about taking care of yourself and learning new, better habits to help you stride more easily along your path. 

Keeping your dreams in line with reality is a big piece of the puzzle most forget about. The world is ruled by good intentions, acting upon those with purpose is how change is made, money is saved, credit improves and dreams/goals are achieved. 

Talking to your loved ones not only gives you the gift or prior knowledge, it also brings forth a potentially habit changing buddy. Maybe your cousin has a goal of saving money and to stop eating out so much. You both decide to do 2 weekly dinners together where the one who is hosting gets to keep the leftovers. That gives you both leftovers from a large meal, to take for lunch the next day and possibly a stepping stone for another dinner for later on that week.  Cutting out fast food and taking lunch rather than purchasing it keeps you on the road to financial freedom and recovery as well as gives you some much needed fun with family.

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