You getting charged fee after fee just to have an account with a bank? Those rack up and cost you tons of money. Every tried to have your fee waived? How about using bill pay or cash back options (ATM fees, etc)
I wouldn't put up with a friend or family member that constantly stole from me or charged me to to something they promised to do for me. That's why I switched to a Credit Union. I feel respected there. Now you can go wherever you want to bank, I am not here to direct you to a credit union over another banking institution.
I was being charged a fee for having an account for maintaining my account for having too low of a balance, etc the list went on. My favorite (not really) was being charged an overdraft fee when the banks fee put me in the red. I got fed up and did some research.
I found that credit unions don't change me for my balance, most have no overdraft fees on their credit cards. It was wonderful. You deserve to be respected and to not lose your money.
Find a bank that pays you back for being a member there are many programs that give you cash back, ATM fees back, a percentage of your balance back as cash in hand. Look for a corporation that will appreciate you for being a customer.
If you do get a fee ask for it to be waived. Most companies have a policy of waiving fees at least once if not twice depending on the circumstances pertaining to the fee. It never hurts to ask you could get money back in your bank thus padding your wallet again.
Have an alert set to your phone or email when your balance gets close to where you would be charged a fee or when a purchase was posted to your account.
Getting fees waived isn't just for banks ask your credit card companies, cell phone bills, etc. It never hurts to try.
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