Friday, June 27, 2014

Turn off the Tele

Don't think that turning off your television could save you money? Or maybe you do think it can save you money but only in the sense that it will cost you less on your electricity bill. I've got some other ideas of how financially practical it is for you to turn your television off. You might discover that you will save less on your electricity, your grocery bill and lose weight- all of these birds killed with one stone.

It's common knowledge that turning off electronics when they are not in use is a great way to save money. Thus posing the question- Why am I specifically picking on your television? Well there are many reasons, allow me to list them.

1.) Turning off the television will use less electricity. (Just getting that one out of the way as that fact is just dollars and sense!)

2.) Choosing to limit the amount of time that you spend in front of the TV will in most cases help save you money on your grocery bill. Don't think this can be the case? Swedish researchers and countless others argue otherwise. You are less apt to over indulge and consume food if your brain is turned "on" rather than being numbed by white noise. Junk food isn't cheap. Those cookies and chips and sweets add up and are big money makers. Less TV viewing will help to lessen your grocery bill and on your waist. Try it for 21 days I challenge you to change that habit and see what I mean. 

3.) This brings me to the advertisements that television exposes you to. Ads are great, it's wonderful to hear about and see the new items that are out on the market. The downside? Being constantly exposed to guilt-inducing items that pique your interest is not a wonderful thing however. It's okay to see them every once and awhile and think, "hey that's cool".  But it's the repeated exposure to these advertisements that make the products being displayed seem like more of a necessity rather than a want. All the more reason why it's important to take time to think or write a list of things you want and periodically check back on that list to make sure that they are "needs" and not just "wants".  

4.) Last but certainly not least- Turning off your television gives you more time, which is priceless. More time for your family, your life, reading, a hobby, cleaning up the storage closet, making a meal or doing a craft with your kids. The list goes on and none of those a fore mentioned activities cost much.

Now I know many people for whom this would be very difficult for. Many people now-a-days simply have the TV on as a means to have "background" noise. This is harmful in many ways not just to your wallet. Make sure to start slow, just try not turning it on in the morning or cooking dinner without it on in the background. Begin to alter the times when you would have normally turned it on and watch as other things become more important and as your wallet is fuller form not buying so many things on impulse or to snack on.

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