That 1-click shopping certainly comes in handy... that is until you're trying to not over spend and save some money. Then the convenience of being able to just hop onto a site and use you credit card on file becomes a hindrance and begins to cost you money.
The ease of just finding a product and purchasing it is great in certain situations, but it can really become too convenient and allow for over spending. Take your credit cards off sites and take away that convenience. Just like I discussed in another post (Count to 10) if you take a moment and think about what you are purchasing you might realize you don't really need the item or even better that you can make it for les money than it would cost to buy and ship it.
Breaking this habit can be difficult, however the best way to break it is to simply remove the temptation and credit card all together. If the card isn't readily available then you might not be willing to put in the effort to purchase the item and thus you are saved that money.
Every penny counts and the more you save the better you can feel about your financial decision and about your future.
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