Sunday, May 4, 2014

Count to 10

Use a 10 second rule in order to figure out if that item you are "wanting" to purchase and "need to have" in your cart is a necessity or not. It's ok to put it in your basket while you think about if you actual need or want the item. Being impulsive happens and sometimes it gets the best of all of us, which leads to buyers remorse and frustration followed by nasty money woes. Avoid those bumps on your financial journey by thinking realistically, be proactive not reactive.


I have taught my 4yr old to do this, so it's super easy. This idea allows a "shopper" to shop and not be laissez-faire with their money. This has stopped her temper tantrums and has allowed her to "shop" with me rather than her getting a case if the "gimmes" so it's a win win. She loves to go around and find the things she wants. Sometimes she gets to purchase an item or 2 from her basket and sometimes she just has to go back around the store and return them to their proper place with nothing being purchased.

Just like when you eat and put the utensil down between bites in order to digest food and eat less. Your brain needs that time to figure things out as well.

Marketing had advertising is big business and money is made with the basic supply and demand rule in play. 

Before you buy try this,
Ask yourself these 6 questions-
1.) Do I have a place for it?
2.) Can I live without it?
3.) Is there another place where I can purchase it for less? 
4.) Do I have a coupon for it thus making it more appealing? (Then refer to #2)
5.) Why am I buying something right now? (Check in with your true emotions)
6.) Will buying thus help me save money or reach my dreams?

Asking yourself these 6 questions will allow you to be more in control of your spending habits and less likely to just buy it because it was there. Don't be afraid to put things back. After all the decisions you make are yours to make. 

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