Monday, June 23, 2014

Sign Me up!

Do you shop at a specific company often, how about a few different companies? Do they have an incentive program that's free and rewards you for spending money that you had already planned on spending? Are you signed up with that program? WHY NOT... it's free and can save you some real dough on gas, on drinks, on food, on household necessities. Free things are out there...

If you frequent a store or website- why not get rewarded for shopping or using that service. Grab a punch card and keep it in your wallet, it's easy and you can get free items just for shopping where you would do so already. Almost every place has some type of loyalty program. These are intensives to have you shop or frequent their company. These perks are good for the company as well as for the person buying the item. From pizza to coffee, and your local grocery store to the pet store. Serious saving awaits you. As long as the rewards program is free- why not save money and get free items for shopping some place you already go to. 

 The Basics:

1.) The email address requirement- None of us want an exorbitant amount of clutter and emails to bombard us- so create an email account that is just for these perks. 

2.) Collect every card that you can. Be it a punch card that you fill and get something or an app that you download, if it;s FREE then why not reward yourself.

3.) Always check to see if there are coupons that you can pile on top to lessen the bill. You can earn perks and save all at once. Most companies will email you coupons and discounts just for registering with them.

4.)  Remember those clearance bins, they can save you even more when combined with a coupon and then the points you are earning.

I belong to 4 grocery store rewards programs. I get coupons on my phone via the apps and I often times get free things just for shopping at the stores. There are also perks on filling up my gas tank. I receive money off of gas just for shopping like I normally would for my household. I also have the Starbucks app on my phone, I collect free drinks, I get songs and games and other downloadable content for free.

Make it a game- see how much you can save in 1 trip. Use this method:

1.) Is it on sale?

2.) Do you have a coupon?

3.) Does the store double that coupon?

4.) Do you get a bonus when you buy more than 1? (great for household necessities)

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