Friday, April 25, 2014

Fast food fast cash

Although fast food is convenient on time, it isn't on your wallet. That dollar menu really adds up and can cost big money. It is less expensive to make your own food. Feeding a family is much easier and cost effective when you make your food from home. This is a great way to save money. Think about how much money you can save by not always eating out.

Here is your first tip on your 21 day challenge to a new you!

1.) Cut out fast food, microwavable meals, etc. It's constly on your waist and you're wasting money as well. With so many additives and preservatives you're not really paying for food your paying for convenience and laziness. 

Making food from home is far less costly.And leaves leftovers to take to the office the next day and to eat for more than 1 meal. Now that's a time saver. It's like my gandmother always said, "A stitch in time saves nine. " Meaning do some work now and less will be needed in the future.1 hour's worth of prep and cooking on your day off and you can have meals already waiting to be eaten later on that week.

I offer to you this suggestion, try making a breakfast cassarole and a lagagna one day. You will have food for 2-3 days after (depending on your family size). That's cheaper than buying fast food at nearly $6.50/person/meal and better for you.

Making this real:

Let's say you have a family of 4 and eat out 4 times a week. Average meal id $6.50 for a regular size (entree, soda, side)

for each person that would be $6.50 X 4 = $26.00 

$26.00 for just 1 meal

so that means 4 meals a week X $26.00 = $104


16 times a month = $416.00 that's insane!!!

Now let's come up with some easy solutions. Start small, cut it down to maybe 2 times a week you would save $208.00. That's easy money.

I feed my family on $250/mo a family of 4. We have smoothies and cassaroles often. stir fry's are very inexpensive as well as are breakfast bakes. My favorites have been french toast bakes. 

If you have a crock-pot dust it off and use it!!! Toss some ingredients in the corckpot before leaving for work. That 15 minutes of preparation time in the morning allows you to skip the trip to the fast food restaurant down the street and you get to come home to a house that smells of deliciously fragrant food waiting to be served and eaten. Soups are a wonderful way to save money and they keep very well in the freezer. 

Or even make your own smoothies on the way out the door. that is a great way to save the fruit in your crisper that is nearly the end of it's usefulness and you are looking to toss in the trash. Don't throw that money out make fresh juice with those grapes and apples and kiwi that are softening. A smoothie with fresh pineapple and pear and kale is a great way to start the day. You will not only be full for a longer period of time as you are getting a great deal of nutrients and vitamins. You will save on not buying a smoothie at the smoothie shop down the street.

There are numerous recipies that you can find for free online- for any dietary need. Using this free resource rather than purchasing a cookbook is also a great way to save money.

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